Since it’s the last week of Halloween, we’ve decided to make a surprise party, Death Carnevil X Halloween Party, for all demons to enjoy. This special event will consist mainly of 3 mini-games, including the Haunted House, Carnevil’s Maze, and for the last one, see for yourself. ;P So welcome to the party and hope all demons have fun !
Patch Notes v7.44
- Added a special event : Death Carnevil x Halloween Party (Accessible via Open Hunt with Steve, requires 1 Hunter Pass)

- Increase Level Cap to level 45.
- Fixed Voodoo Doll’s and Ouija Triangle’s incorrect effect and modified its rarity to Legendary.
- Added 5 Vit to Voodoo Doll and Ouija Triangle.
- Fixed Wiktor’s BloodFang incorrect % drain.
- Adjusted all Halloween Weapons to have 9% HP and MP Drain.
- Fixed Bifron’s and Killjoy’s Halloween Weapon Icon that did not display.
- Fixed Bifron’s passive skill, PhaseShift, that did not work properly.
- Fixed incorrect skin color display for gold demons after equipping armors or weapons.
- Modified Alliance anima ability to 'Temporary adds (10-30)% DEF when healed by a member of your guild."
- Modified Vindicator anima ability to "Temporary adds (10-50)% ATK stats when a guild member is dead." - Added Mystery Box rewards chance info to Official Game Wiki fandom page.
