Winter has come! DRC's mobile version is now also open to testers!
Sorry for the long wait, but DRC mobile version is now done! (kind of) and open to testing on google play store's closed testing track. You can directly apply to help us test it via our discord. (This is only open to old players, as we are still updating ) For now, you can enter the new Winter Event with it, or play practice and wrath arena. (The rest is too big and we are still finding a hosting site for them.)
Anyhow, the winter season is back, along with all the goodies and raid boss. See if you can take it down with your mobile devices!
Patch Note v8.33
- Change Demon Slum and OPW to Winter theme.
- Updated Event Shop list (trade with Winter Dew)
- Re-added limited winter animas: Winter I-IV, Barbaric I-IV Viking, Ice Rabbit I-IV and Tavan Bodg I-IV .
- Change Random Raid Boss to Tavan Bodg (40% spawn rate.)
- Re-opened Giant of Nifhiem stage in Campaign Window.
Android Update
- Open DRC Mobile version to tester on Google Play Store.
- Open Demon Tower, Demon Slum and all OPW maps to testers.
- Open Practice Arena as additional download.
- Open Wrath Arena as additional download.
- Added ability for Mobile Device to be played both in landscape mode and portrait mode.
- Added ability for Mobile Device to scale all UIs with zoom gesture.
- Connected player with Google Play ID. (Once signed in, you can use google account to sign in without typing in the password.)
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