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FEB 12th - Zuijin Guardian Warrior

Okay this week patch note is a super tldr post. So let us summarized it for you:

- new super strong demon, Zuijin is here! - new purgatory pets and Arena's weapon and armor set has been upgraded. - raid boss has been moved. - valentine raid boss and campaign is back.

Yeah and you could have noticed that we didn't finish the open world yet again. Somehow we all finish the second jobs first. Right? right? ;)

Patch Note v.703

- Add new demon, Zuijin to summon altar. (TPS, 1300 mamon gold.)

- Add new Zuijin's active skill: White Tiger Strike - Jump and smash the ground in front, dealing STR(1.f~1.5f) [earth] dmg with LVL(15~25) ko.

- Add new Zuijin's active skill: Phoenix Slash- Slash area in front, dealing 3x STR(0.4~0.6) + TAL(20~30) [fire] dmg and reduce 10% DEF (stacking max 30%).

- Add new Zuijin's active skill: Flipping Tortoise- Deal 2x STR(0.4f~0.6f) dmg, if connected disable target for 3s with TAL(10~15)% [water] dmg of target weight (Max 999 dmg).

- Add new Zuijin's active skill: Rising Jade Dragon- Deal 8x STR(0.7~1.0) + TAL(30~45) [wind] dmg to the frontal upward area.

- Add new Zuijin's active skill: Imperial Guard- Instantly cast nullify on self, preventing any status change for (10~15) sec.

- Add new Zuijin's passive skill: Demon Killer- Increases Zuijin's n.attack and c,attack damage against demon race by LVL(10~50)%.

- Add new Zuijin's standard weapon: Standard Halberd.

- Add new Zuijin's standard armor: Standard Brigandine.

- Add Love Angels to Purgatory Plain, Wall and Gate. (13% and 27% drop rate.)

- Add Choco Heart to campaign Window.

- Add Eros as raid boss to purgatory plain, (33% chance to spawn.)

- Move raid boss location to the following for weekdays: Lycidas-(Mondey)Wall, Suriya-(Tuesday) Desert, Didemdum-(Wednesday) Desert, Chukwa-(Thursday) Cave, and MisterS-(Friday)Wall.

- Add new Romance weapons which can be traded from the LoveBlue angel NPC located in Purgatory wall. (+14 Vit +14 Tal and gives a chance to inflict broken heart status.)

- Upgrade Gluttony, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride weapons to epic tier with increased stats. (

- Upgrade Gluttony, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride armors to epic tier with increased stats. (

- Upgrade Gigantic, Abaddon, Fury, Envy and Exalt weapons to legendary tier with increased stats. (

- Upgrade Gigantic, Abaddon, Fury, Envy and Exalt armors to legendary tier with increased stats. (

- Torment weapon now has a 13% chance to inflict torment status.

- Torment armors now has 66% chance to block torment status.

- Torment status now will be instantly removed if heal is received.

- Add 10 new upgradable pet with 0.6% drop rate from creeps in Purgatory Plain. (No power yet.)

- Increases all demons' Hp regen rate from 3s to 2s. (except Iaron, which has 1s rate.)

- Updated Xunwu's Skill Incinerate to: Deals 3x TAL(50~75) [fire] m.dmg and inflict TAL(15~23) burns for 8 seconds.

- Reduce various Xunwu's skill cool down.

- Update Nija's fading shadow to: Gives Nija a LVL(23~33)% chance to evade physical and magical attacks while running (+10% while sprinting).

- Update many Nija's Skill and Icons to properly uses additional MoonFire (required target), Moon Heal, and Hangetsu.

- Fixed Death Knight spawned as Knight Bone and giving out wrong material item.

- Update Tutorial1 Tutorial2 and Bat cave's lighting and landscape.


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