This week is Zuijin's Birthday! So we have planned a surprise for him! A emperor armor made especially for Zuijin is here! You can get it exclusively with the PVP coins. Also, we also added several Chinese accessories! They will only be available for collection for a week, so don‘t forget to collect em all!
This patch we started balancing many skills in the game! To be exact, Skill Damage, Utility, together with its MP consumption, SP consumption, and cooldown are compared to get a mutual value. We then adjusted the skills status accordingly. If there are any thoughts or questions you are welcomed to discuss them in our Discord Server.
This graph shows Barbas’ skills and their scores.
Patch v7.58
- Added new Zuijin's armor : Emperor - Armor from lunar new year. Give tremondous wit to wearer. (STR = -10; VIT = -10; DEX = 25; TAL = 25)
(Can be obtained from PVP Shop)
- Added a new Zuijin weapon : Chinese - Weapon from CNY. Reduce Strength but enhance your wit! (STR = -20; TAL = 60)
(Can be obtained from PVP Shop)
- Added a new Oyama weapon : Chinese Katana - Weapon from CNY. Reduce Strength but enhance your wit! (STR = -10; TAL = 30)
(Can be obtained from PVP Shop)
- Added a new trinket : C.Fan - Accessory from CNY. Return {0}% MMP when owner is hit. (3s cooldown)
(Can be obtained from event shop)
- Added a new trinket : C. Umbrella - Accessory from CNY. Return {0}% MHP when owner is hit. (3s cooldown)
(Can be obtained from event shop)
- Added new Xunwu's SSS : SunDance - Evades all physical dmg and deals 24x STR({0}~{1}) dmg.
Skills Balancing Details
*(Skill’s status shown are of max lv. skill)
• Hermont
SnowFist (n.atk): STR 0.7 > 1
ShellShock: STR 1.2 > 1.5; TAL 45 > 75
RepeatShot: TAL 15 > 0
Avalanche: CD 45 > 60; MP 40 > 60
• Barbas
SpinCurcuit: STR 0.7 > 1.2
DoubleSaw: STR 0.6 > 1
HemicSpray: TAL 45 > 3
StraightHotnets: TAL 90 > 150
BomberBees: MP 35 > 40; SP 5 > 10
IonicPulse: CD 60 > 30; TAL 75 > 90
OrbitalRay: TAL 230 > 300
• Iaron
n.atk: STR 0.8 > 1.5
walk.atk: STR > 1.0
• Wiktor
BloodSlasher: STR 1.0 > 2.0
RippingClaw: TAL 50 > 45
BloodCross: STR 0.6 > 0.9
LeftCarnage: STR 0.9 > 0.6; TAL 90 > 66
RightChaos: STR 3.0 > 2.0
• Matti
OpenWound: Bleed.dmg 13% > 23%
• XunWu
n.atk: STR > 1.0
DancingFlame: STR 0.9 > 0.5; TAL 90 > 45; MP 45 > 55
BurningWrath: TAL 200 > 100; MP 75 > 100; SP 5 > 10
FireDragons: TAL 100 > 60
• Fay
n.atk: STR > 2.0; TAL > 30
ManaArc: TAL 60 > 90
MeteorRain: TAL 50 > 45
MagicLance: TAL 90 > 150
ManaBurn: TAL 60 > 75
SingularRift: TAL 400 > 500
• Killjoy
n.atk: 5hit > 0.4/0.4/0.3/0.3/0.6 STR
BlackJoke: STR 0.13> 1.0
JackInTheBox: TAL 150 > 90
AllOutBurst: HIT COUNT 10 > 8
KnifeJuggle: TAL 90 > 150
FoolSeeker: STR 0.4 > 0.3; TAL 25 > 30