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Jan 21st - Anti-Vax Escape!

Poor Aeonium, the Sloth Factory has been hacked by Omi-cron and subjected him to over-vaccination. This week features a new campaign mini-game, Anti-Vax Escape. Play as Aeonium and escape from the reprogrammed defense system to the end of the tunnel!

We also have good news for all Gold Demons. Anneburg, Bifron, BlackBaron, Mara, Mastema, Tiamat, Tsukuyomi, and Urion, and Zuijin have gotten their first SSS! Also, more SSS has also been added for Oyama, Xunwu, Wiktor, Killjoy, Hermont, and Fay!

Patch Note v7.56

- Added a new campaign : Anti-Vax Escape (Assessible through "Event Campaign" in War Chamber)

- Add new baby Omicron Pet (1% drop from Omicron Raid Boss) - Add 15-30% Machine Killer.

- Added new Oyama’s SSS : StillBlade - Repeatedly deals STR({0}~{1}) + TAL({2}~{3}) [wind] dmg to a random enemy within {4}m.

- Added new Oyama’s SSS : FlowingRiver - Deals TAL({0}~{1}) [water] dmg in a quick long stright line.

- Added new Xunwu’s SSS : SunSweep - Deal 5x STR({0}~{1}) + TAL({2}~{3}) [fire] dmg (x2 to Plants).

- Added new Wiktor’s SSS : SatanicStrength - Instantly increases STR by 130-230 for 130s.

- Added new Hermont's SSS : SatanicVitality- Instantly increases VIT by 130-230 for 130s.

- Added new KillJoy's SSS : SatanicDexterity - Instantly increases DEX by 130-230 for 130s.

- Added new Fay's SSS : SatanicTalent - Instantly increases TAL by 130-230 for 130s.

- Added new Anneburg's SSS : AllDefense - Gives self and demon allies a LVL({0}~{1})% DEF boost for {2}s

- Added new Bifron's SSS : AllCritical - Gives self and demon allies a LVL({0}~{1})% CRT boost for {2}s

- Added new BlackBaron's SSS : AllAccuracy - Gives self and demon allies a LVL({0}~{1})% ACR boost for {2}s

- Added new Mara's SSS : AllSpeed - Gives self and demon allies a LVL({0}~{1})% Speed boost for {2}s

- Added new Mastema's SSS : AllSummon - Gives self and demon allies a LVL({0}~{1})% Summon boost for {2}s

- Added new Tiamat's SSS : AllMagic - Gives self and demon allies a LVL({0}~{1})% MAG boost for {2}s.

- Added new Tsukuyomi's SSS : AllEvasion - Gives self and demon allies a LVL({0}~{1})% Evasion boost for {2}s

- Added new Urion’s SSS : AllRestoration - Gives self and demon allies a LVL({0}~{1})% HLG boost for {2}s

- Added new Zuijin’s SSS : AllOffense - Gives self and allies a LVL({0}~{1})% ATK boost for {2}s


- Adjusted Xunwu’s skill : FireEmber - Temporary change n.Attack to {0}x 3-way fireballs, dealing TAL({1}~{2}) [fire]/[wind] m.dmg with HLG({3}~{4}) HP heal.

- Adjusted Xunwu’s skill : FireCinder - Change c.Attack to quintuple fireballs, dealing 5xTAL({0}~{1}) [fire]/[earth] m.dmg (20 MP.)

- Adjusted Satanic Avatar status buff from (130 + lv*10) to (130 + lv*6).

- Modified the skill column of Xunwu's PhoenixDrive from 4-3 to 4-5.

- Modified the skill column of Oyama's MizuchiVapor from 4-2 to 4-4.

- Added new status icons: CrtUp, CrtDown, EffUp, EffDown

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