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Jun 11th - Desert Sand And TreasureHunt

The hot sand has suddenly blown in and cover purgatory and Demon Slum. They also bring about new buried treasures! You can trade for treasure map from the event shop and use them to go treasure hunting in the Purgatory. We also added Ishtar's story as well as Practice Arena's Intro movie in this patch. So don't forget to check them out. Good luck with treasure hunting!

ps. Good and bad news, some of our staffs have been vaccinated against Covid-19. So hopefully we soon will no longer need to work from homes. But the vaccine also gave us fever so we couldn't get much works done this week. T_T

Patch Note v7.22

- Update to new Desert Sand Event with new event item: cactus bulb.

- Change DemonSlum, Purgatory Plain, Purgatory Wall and Purgatory Gate to Desert theme.

- Add new event monsters: Bandit Cactus and Shaman Totem. (13% and 45% drop rate.)

- Add new items: Treasure Map I-III (Used in Purgatory Plain, Purgatory Wall and Purgatory Gate to Desert to point to hidden treasures,)

- Add new event anima: Desert Cactus I-IV (Add 6-15 physical and magical damages.)

- Add Ishtar's story: Enchantress.

- Add new Practice Arena Intro Movie:

- Add new Practice Arena Tutorial Sheets:

- Fixed Demon AI's bugged and gained x2 Levels.

- Add all new demons to Mim's Demon Clone.

- Lower XunWu's Dancing Flame damage.


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