Major game update is live. So many updates and important bug fixed requested by our players. A new Raid Boss Suriya, the raging sun is also added to Purgatory. (He will appear every 3 hours, starting from 7am onward.)
Patch 4.45 change log
- Add new Raid Boss, Suriya to Purgatory.
- Add new materials from drop Suriya.
- Add new schemas to Event shop.
- All chat channel has been fixed. Players should be able to correctly communicate in Guild Channel and all Tower Chamber Channel.
- Chat log now will appear when chat box is open. (scroll with mouse wheel)
- New emoticon interface has been added in Town/Mission (open with arrow key)
- All Items in arena should work correctly and add flat stats to demons.
- Equipment, Arena Item and anima should now display correct numbers in equipment window.
- All items power in arena has been rebalance.
- Add new quantity selector in FleaMarket for splitting selling items.
- Forfeit button should now work correctly and bring players back to Throne Chamber.
- Add a new steam checking system to prevent player from opening multiple screen.
- So many more...