The fifth raid boss, MR.S is here! We don't want to spoil anything but while he is super deadly, we know that our players can handle him. Just be patience and learn his moves. Our simple advice is to never go near him alone. As a special event. he will be always spawning in Purgatory Wall map. (After this week event ends, he will be appearing every Friday.) Another great news is that Troth's new ultimate, "Call of Qlwpdtr" is here, as well as new Iaron's uber passive: "unbreakable". Don't forget to try them out. :)
Well, big New year events and new dungeon are coming next months, as well as our first tournament. So be prepare for it. (We know our old fans are super exited about the new-yet -familiar dungeon. ;)
Patch Note 6.15
- Added new raid boss, Mr.S to open world.
- Added new materials drop from MrS: Silver Web
- Added 3 new anima drop from MrS:
- Added new Troth's skill: Call of Qlwpdtr - Call out a goddess that heal allies (no self) in 23m for HLG(200~300) HP every 1s.
- Added new Iaron's skill: Unbreakable - Passively prevent any physical or magical damage to exceed LVL(20~15)% of Iaron's MHP.
- Skills' Cool down will now be saved and loadad for respawning demons.
- Many bug fixes as usual. :)
Full Patch Note: https://steamcommunity.com/gid/103582791462440148/announcements/detail/2879418066844861293