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Sep 10th - Extended MU & Dekko Nest

Origianally, we were going to change to new event this week. But due to a new group of new players just joining our game last week. We decided to roll back our client extend the MU Event for another week. We also added new power-level campaign called Dekko Nest. This campaign works like the Bat Cave. You get to keep all the exp and money, but with higher level creep and a new Daddy Dekko as its stage boss!

We are going to move Stave Cart to a new similar campaign along with new Ichijo level. So be on the look out!

Patch v7.35

- Rolled back the new Event and extended M.U. Event for another week.

- Reshuffle items in Event Shop.

- Add new campaign: Dekko Nest

- Add new creep: Mama Dekko.

- Add new campaign boss: Daddy Dekko.

- Reduce campaign orb cool down to 30 minutes.

- Enable All MU Event to complete pass event conquest as well as receiving new M.U.Thing item rewards.

- Added new character race: Human!

- Updated Sunker Palace dungeons.

- Added 9 new lust weapon models (for internal use.)

- Added 9 new lust armor models (for internal use.)

- Updated Lust City (for internal use.)


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