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Sep27 - InTO the Bat Cave(Rn)

Hell-ooo all! This week, we decided to add a new special campaigns to help out some of our new players catching up to SEA beta players. (So yeah, the new boss is delayed yet another week. Sorry - hick.) Its the infamous bat cave(rn)! You get to collect event eggs while keeping all exp and copper you gain from inside the mission. (We extended the addle egg event for another week.)

Good news is, due to the glitch from server's randomiser that prevent the rare materials from arena from being drop (with severe chance,) we are now adding them to the event shop for one week!! SO Get your eggs and trade them for tier-3 materials!

We also added seven new skills and did a lot of balancing this patch, so please let us know what you think. Chao :)

- New special campaign called "Bat carven" added for one week. All EXP and Gold gain inside will be added to all participated players a the end.

- Update and added many more Pride Armor Set.

- Added the tier-3 armors' material to the event shop.

- Extended the addle egg event for another week.

- Added new Killjoy Skill: Rabbit Dynamite - Change Killjoy's charge attack to bunny throwing.

- Added new Fay skill: Water Vortex - Cast a whirl pool that pull enemies toward its center and deals [water] 5xTAL(33~50) m.dmg.

- Added new Barbas skills: HemicSpray - Spray acids over 4 sec dealing 13x TAL(30~45) [poison] m.dmg and reduce [poison] protection by (20~30)%.

- Added new Barbas skills: IonicPulse - Deals TAL(40~60) [thunder] m.dmg in 30m radius and reduce target MP by TAL(13~20) per sec.

- Added new Mim's skill: MassIllusion - Gives Mim and all his demon allies invisibility status for LVL(5~10) sec.

- Added new Mim's skill: DistortReality - Shift enemies's target position of Mim to the left by LVL(2~3)m. (Drain 10 mp/s.)

- Added new RodeoBob skill: OverClock - Temporary increases normal attack fire rate by (150~200)% for 5 sec.

- Increase Wiktor's charge move, from (0.6xStr to 1.0xStr).

- Lower Menalisa's charge move, from (1.3xStr to 1.0xStr).

- Increase Mhaou's charge move, from (1.0xStr to 1.3xStr).

- Lower Wiktor's Blood Fury, Ripping Claw and Blood Cross multiplier.

- Increase Wiktot's Exhume and change his mp reduction to flat TAL calculation.

- Fixed Ishtar unable to cancel burrow by moving.

- Fixed Nija's chain lock that cause target to bounce upward.

- Remove launch decor from demon slum.

- Added new ranking reward:

- So many more bug fixes that we did and mention in discord, but kinda forget...


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