It's Songkran (or water Festival) in the underworld! Get yourself a water dipper and join our new open-pvp water fight for special rewards!
Yesss, it's finally time to celebrate Thai's new year with the special water festival open arena! Throw water balloons at your opponent team to eliminate them off and get event rewards! Also, a new event monster, WaterMelom, has entered the opw and is ready to join you in the water fight! Trade the new 3 event field items: water balloon, water dipper, and water gun; and join the water fight against WaterMelom! Winning the water fight will yield you and your allies huge amount of exp and money! Lastly, more SSS has been added to Amy, Anneburg, RodeoBob and Zuijin for your Satanic needs!
P.S. Guild Challenge rewards will be distributed on Monday.
Patch Notes v 7.68
- Added a new Open Arena: Water Festival (Access via Steve at Demon Slum) (Replacing other open arenas for this week)

- Added a new event monster: WaterMelom(150hp) - Can only take damage from event field items (Water Balloon, Water Dipper, and Water Gun)
- Added new monsters: WaterBalloonDemion and WaterGunDemion.
- Added a new game status: Wet - reduce speed with stacking effect

- Updated the event shop with new items.
- Added new event field item: Water Balloon (Deal 30hp and inlfict wet status)

- Added new event field item: Water Dipper (Deal 50hp and inlfict wet status)

- Added new event field item: Water Gun (Deal 90hp and inlfict wet status)

- Updated Blood Eclipse Open PVP to only occur at 22.00 daily.

- Updated Summer Coconut's prizes with a total event field items drop chance of 45%.

- Added new Amy's SSS: SuperSmash - Deals 8x STR({0}~{1}) dmg with current weapon element with {2} KO each hit.

- Added new Anneburg's SSS: SummonLifeCrystal - Paralyze all nearby enemies {0}s and reduce their [rainbow] resistance by LVL({1}~{2})% for {3}s.

- Added new RodeoBob's SSS: BombHeist - Jump backward, planting bombs that deal 6xTAL({0}~{1}) non-crit [earth] dmg after {2}s.

- Added new Zuijin's SSS : NorthWaterTortoise - Block all damages and deal 5x TAL({0}~{1}) [water] dmg around Zuijin.

- Added new Zuijin's SSS : SouthFirePheonix - Deal 6x STR({0}~{1}) + TAL({2}~{3}) [fire] dmg in a wide frontal area.

- Added new Zuijin's SSS : WestMetalTiger - Jump and deal STR(x4~x8) critical dmg.

- Updated and renamed Zuijin's dragon skills to Rising Jade Dragon, Rolling Emerald Dragon and East Wind Dragon.

- Moved Amy SSS skill Mighty One from slot 2 to slot 3.
- Updated Summer Night Terror anima's icon
