It's getting too hot in the underworld. You know what it's time for- Water Fight festival is back!
Patch Note v8.39
Updated Demon Slum and Open World to Songkran theme.
Changed event item and updated Event Shop's list.
Change Open Arena to Summer Paradice (15.00 and 21.00 server time.)
Open new Guild Challenge#7 in daily campaign window.
Re-open Water Shrine in daily campaign window.
Re-open Surfer Paradice in daily campaign window.
Added rewards for Voting ballots. (burned at Flame altar.)
Move romance weapon code to make way for a new cosplay weapons.
Added many new cosplay weapons icons and models.
Updated many cosplay costumes.
Fixed many Demon AI skills issues.
Finished up and re-added Rosier to Black Quarrum.
Finished up and re-added Rosier to Black Quarrum.
Finished up and re-added Rosier to Black Quarrum.
Updated Iaron's normal attack power to 1.3, 1.3 2.0
Fixed Barbas's inccorect Orbital skill damage.
Open Sakura Bonsho on mobile version.
Open Ultimate Demon Carnage (UDC) on mobile version.
Open Quarry Defense on mobile version.
Open Fenli Bridge on mobile version.
Open Helympic on mobile version.