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May 24 - Preparing for launch!!

It's the final calm before the storm! We're pushing for international launch next month. All our server has been optimised to linux environments (which will be 50% faster than the previous Window Server.) We'll be finishing final client for launch next week.

This week is also the last week for the raging Suriya events. So make sure that you trade all the items before the event is over. (The raid boss will periodically come back later.) Next week, we will be releasing new raid boss with poison element.

Again, thanks you everyone for helping us with all the testing. May the best get to rule the underworld!

Patch Note 19/05/24 - All dedicated game servers have been switch to Linux environments.

- All our third party plugin has been updated to the latest versions.

- Fixed glasses accessory not showing in Demon Slum and War chamber

- Arena potion's effect will now be erase when hit.

- Added some Tier3 malice armors with lightning elements.

- and as usual, many more fixed that we don't remember..


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